Thursday, March 3, 2011

Subliminal Earth (Today Was a Bad Day)

So at the start of today i felt like it was gunna be a bad day. When i was working i really didn't feel like doing anything but i did what i had to and when i got done eating with my step dad told me that he wanted me to work the weekend even though i told him i wasn't going to the moment he picked me up. i told him that i cant give up my gf and friends for 3 weeks.. so now the only way i can go riding and not work is if my gf picks up my truck from my mom tomorrow and drives it down here to  pick up my bike and then we will be fine. but its late now and i haven't even talked to my mom or my girlfriend about it... and then i just saw my gf's status on facebook and her ex is still trying to talk to her which just pissed me off more. i hate being mad but right now i cant help it. nothing is making it better in the least. well i guess actually writing it out is getting rid of some of the stree but still. today sucks ass and i knew it from the minute i woke up. weird how that happens. like the world pre-warned me. huh F***.. well im off to work it out or just be pissed

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